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Lindow Counselling
Supporting you through loss and life's changes
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Currently Working Online
via Zoom and offering walk and talk therapy in Wilmslow
Contact Me
Are you in need of help but not sure exactly what you need?
Is life difficult to manage with you feeling 'weak' as though you should somehow be able to get on with things but the pieces just don't seem to fit?
Do you feel unable to share your concerns with others in your life because you don't feel they'll understand?
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Lindow Counselling is here to help you
It’s OK to feel however you are feeling

You may be scared about counselling, you might not have any idea about what is involved but we can look at your fears or uncertainties together and consider what will help you. If you've had counselling before, you may recognise that this is the time for you to reach out for more support.

Life can be so difficult to manage, especially right now. So many changes have been forced upon us in a short space of time and there is so much uncertainty to navigate.

A constant theme running through much of the counselling I've experienced over many years is that of loss and change. With any change in life we are faced with loss.

Loss of a way of life, loss of how you'd pictured your future life to play out, loss of hope – especially now with future uncertainties around health, education, careers, financial stability and many other things we seek for reassurance in life.

You may have experienced a devastating and distressing loss of someone you love, someone in close relationship with you, family member, friend or companion animal.

You may be worried about the health of someone or of something happening to someone you love. This anticipatory loss of things about to happen can cause huge anxieties for you.
You may be feeling you've lost control of your life.

Counselling with me can really help as I can be alongside you, we can go at your pace looking at your concerns. Sometimes just saying it out loud can be such a relief. Every feeling you are having is valid.

You are not alone. We can look at your thoughts and feelings together. We can consider how you are coping. What help there may be available to you. Are you able to look at things in a different way? There may be things which you are not aware of because you feel stuck in the middle of things...

Things can feel overwhelming
I can help you to see things more clearly

This feeling of stuckness and overwhelm can in effect act to paralyse you emotionally. We can look at your overwhelm and break it into tiny chunks which are so much easier to consider, providing focus and little goals to focus on going forward. Some things are solvable and some things need to be managed and taking one step at a time we can look at all your concerns together.

There is hope going forward and the fact you are reading this makes me feel you are looking for help to find the hope for you in your life.

I will provide a safe space for you with no judgement. You can share what is happening for you and how it is affecting you and together we can look at the possibilities going forward.

So if you feel this is the right time for you to seek help, I am here to be alongside you. Just click the button below, leave your details and I can contact you.

supervision image clarity
Supervision service
Are you looking for a clinical supervisor?

If you're a therapist, you may be looking for a clinical supervisor. I offer a supervision service and am trained in the Hawkins and Shohet seven eyed model of supervision.

I've been a supervisor for 3 years and have supervised both qualified and trainee therapists. I also used my supervision skills helping teaching professionals, whilst managing a counselling project, in a primary school for a national counselling charity.

I'd welcome any enquiries and may be specifically suitable to provide supervision to counsellors who are working with pet bereavement, loss or with relational difficulties or relationship counselling (couples and families).
Please contact me for further details of my supervision practice. I do offer discounted rates for trainee counsellors.

C, parent in family counselling

Family counselling for me was a daunting prospect, as with life's challenges who wants to admit they need a little help? When we have visited Helena it warmed my heart, put me at ease and gave me confidence to grow.

J, animal bereavement client

The benefits I experienced from counselling with Helena touched every part of my life. I feel like I am looking out of the window for the first time, I am free to say, feel, discover and explore my thoughts and feelings in an environment of complete trust, safety and support.

A, family client

Helena was very adept at helping me and my dad to talk through some of the hurt and pain we'd experienced and as a result me and my dad to grow so much closer and heal old wounds that may have taken years or been impossible without her. Helena – the best!

B, adult client

Counselling with Helena has enabled so much positive change within me and my life. It is truly incredible to start to understand myself, my beliefs and feelings and to start to value myself.

J, adult client

From introduction to ending the process was unhurried, transparent and comfortable. I was able to explore and challenge my feelings, thoughts and behaviours in a safe and supportive environment.

G, animal bereavement client

Initially I came to Helena as I was struggling with the death of my little dog. Helena was the only person who understood and validated the extent of my loss, Helena has great skill, understanding, and compassion and I can whole-heartedly recommend her services.

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